CouponzCode is committed to protecting the privacy of all their customers and may collect information from you when you use the website, such as your email address (if provided) and your IP address. CouponzCode is committed to protecting your privacy and will only use information that has been lawfully collected from you in full accordance with the data protection laws applicable in India. No sensitive information will be obtained unless consent is given and we will endeavour to ensure that the data collected by us is accurate and constantly updated. The purpose of this policy is to inform you as to what kind of information we may gather about you when you visit the CouponzCode website, how that information may be used and whether it will be disclosed to any third parties. Should any of this information be incorrect, you have the ability to change the information accordingly. Information
CouponzCode may collect information when you use our website or sign up for the newsletter, as well as collect details of your visit to the website.
The information gathered may be used:
- To create a personalised online experience for you and cater to your individual needs based on your previous visits to our website or other websites
- To improve our website in order to continue to offer the best service possible
To provide you with regular information and marketing material about CouponzCode via emails - To have contact with you with regards to any services required
Should you sign up for the newsletter and other marketing and promotional material, these will be sent via email, using this information. In the case where you sign up for our newsletters, CouponzCode will email you our newsletters and other marketing/ promotional materials and may also use this channel to obtain feedback from you. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving such emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.
Information Protection
CouponzCode implements a variety of security measures to ensure the protection of the data you supply us with.
CouponzCode utilises cookies to store data on your hard drive through your web browser in order to monitor traffic patterns and recognise your browsing history to enable a better and more personalized future experience. It is possible to modify your system to notify you when you receive a cookie and enable you to accept or reject it.
Third-Party Disclosure
CouponzCode shall not sell, trade or transfer any of your personal information to outsiders or third parties. However, this does not include trusted third party vendors, consultants and service providers who assist the company in the day-to-day operating of our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may release your information to comply with laws or to respond to lawful requests and legal processes, to protect the rights and property and to enforce current agreements, policies and terms of use with CouponzCode agents, customers, community members and others and to protect the personal safety of Trendsmint employees and customers.
Your Consent
By using our website, you consent to the CouponzCode privacy policy as stated above.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
CouponzCode reserves the right to amend this policy, in part or entirely, from time to time. Any such changes will be effective immediately and will be reflected on the website and communicated to users through reasonable means.
Customer Service
If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact [email protected]